发布时间:2019-05-22 00:52:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

SWA Group:SWA的景观设计师与圣莫尼卡市的工作人员、KPFF土木工程、Alta规划设计公司合作,进一步拓宽和加强了圣莫尼卡的海岸步道,以更安全、更巧妙地方式迎接来往的行人和骑自行车的人。

SWA Group:Landscape architects at SWA Group collaborated with City of Santa Monica staff, KPFF civil engineers, Alta Planning + Design to widen and enhance the promenade to more safely — and artfully — accommodate pedestrians and cyclists.

这条步道吸引了许多游客、骑自行车的人和行人,他们都渴望体验这座城市著名的海滩文化,但步行道大受欢迎所带来的副作用就是,除了周边地区许多景点的干扰外,不同模式和速度的使用者共享狭窄通道也会造成的危险。因此,这次改善的核心是,通过拓宽和升级一条不断恶化的共享沥青小道,将骑自行车的人和行人分隔开来。这条小道将从标志性的圣莫尼卡码头北端延伸至该市管辖范围的尽头——威尔罗杰斯州立海滩(Will Rogers State Beach)。

The promenade attracts tourists, cyclists, and pedestrians, all eager to experience the city’s renowned beach culture. An unfortunate side-effect of the promenade’s popularity is the danger resulting from shared narrow pathways with different modes and speeds of travel in addition to the distractions by the many attractions in the area. Central to the improvements was the separation of cyclists and pedestrians through the widening and upgrading of a shared, deteriorating asphalt trail from the base of the iconic Santa Monica Pier north to Will Rogers State Beach, where the city’s jurisdiction ends.


Landscape architects at SWA focused design attention on artful safety features of the trail’s edges and crossings, Here, new custom-designed concrete bollards, shaped to echo the forms of nearby cliffs, are installed as a physical barrier to keep pedestrians from unwittingly co-mingling with cyclists. Barrier openings mark promenade crossings, enabling cyclists to visibly anticipate pedestrian traffic.

SWA还通过引入超级图形来增强步道交叉口,它巧妙地充当了路标和场所元素。在设计过程中,社区参与并肯定了艺术品的主题,即从当地的自然界中汲取灵感。以“大自然的尺度” 确定了六种生物元素——这些动植物涉及海陆空——代表了每一种跨越:雪鸻、卡塔琳娜·米拉波萨百合、埃尔塞贡多蓝蝴蝶、海岸角蜥蜴、海龟和海带。每一个都被生动地描绘在人行道上,有些高达70英尺,兼有英语、西班牙语和巴西语的信息文字。这六个步道交叉路口的每一个都配有独特的艺术作品,反映在标牌和人行道上,帮助人们了解自己所处的位置,或在有标志物的地方会面。

SWA also enhanced promenade crossings with the introduction of super graphics that artfully double as way-finding and place making elements. Community engagement during the design process affirmed the artwork’s theme of drawing from the local natural world. “Metrics of Nature” identifies six living elements—flora or fauna from the air, to land, to sea—to represent each crossing: Snowy plover, Catalina Miraposa Lillies, El Segundo Blue butterfly, Coast horned lizard, Turtle, and Kelp. Each is depicted graphically in the pavement, some as large as 70 feet, and supplemented with informational signage in English, Spanish, and Brail. Each of the series of six promenade crossings is marked by distinctive artwork, reflected in signage and the pavement itself, to help people know where they are and to have recognizable places to meet.


Other improvements, still under construction, are focused on the base of Santa Monica Pier and its adjacent public parking lot, which lacked clear and safe pedestrian navigation—both within the lot itself and between the parking and the promenade. Designers added signage and restriped the lot to create clear visual directions. Further, distinct crossing areas were created at the promenade to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists, and a cable fence was added to keep pedestrians from wandering into the bike lane.

地点:美国加州圣莫尼卡 客户:圣莫尼卡市政府 服务范围:景观设计、规划 面积:16英亩

Location: Santa Monica, California United States Client: City of Santa Monica Service: Landscape Architecture, Planning Size: 16 acres


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